Unstaking Your Tokens

After learning how to liquid stake your tokens, learn how to unstake (unbond) your tokens from Stride.

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Stride’s Unstaking (Unbonding) Process

At some point after you have staked your tokens and deployed your stTokens in Defi, you will be ready to unstake, or unbond your staked tokens. In this context, unstaking or unbonding (these terms can be used interchangeably) means informing the Stride protocol you would like to unlock your tokens, initiating the unbonding period. The unbonding period is the period of time you must wait before you can access your underlying tokens.


Here's how the process works, using stATOM as an example:

  • Step 0: Liquid stake your ATOM to receive stATOM tokens.

  • Step 1: Have stATOM in your wallet. At this point you can use stATOM in DeFi.

  • Step 2: Move your stATOM from your wallet to Stride.

  • Step 3: Initiate the "Redeem" process (i.e. Unbond). (In other words, notify that you are ready to redeem your stATOM and initiate the unbonding period).

    • Example: Vishal wants to unstake 100 stATOM.
      • Stride records your redemption request and determines how much ATOM your 100 stATOM corresponds to (e.g. 120stATOM).
      • As part of this request, you deposit your 100 stATOM with Stride, and it is burned.
      • Every 4 days, Stride groups all the unbonding requests from all users and processes them.
  • Step 4. Unbonding is initiated. The Stride blockchain initiates the unbonding process by grouping the records of all of the unbondings on the chain. Unbondings are grouped because Cosmos chains do not allow more than 7 unbondings at a time within a 21 day period. This is a security measure put in place across the Cosmos ecosystem. This does not impact the average user, but it is the reason Stride processes requests every 4 days.

    • The records on the chain show which user the unbonding belongs to, how much ATOM is in the unbonding request, etc. This is lumped into what we call an “epoch” unbonding.
  • When “Unbonding in progress” initiates, it takes 21 days. When unbonding from Osmosis pools, you still earn external incentives, internal incentives (when Stride incentives a pool), and trade fees during this time. And 21 days later…

  • Step 5: Tokens are moved to the withdrawal account. Your tokens get automatically moved to a Stride account, whose purpose is to hold unbonded tokens. At this time, the unbonding records (refer to Step 3) get updated on the epoch.

  • Step 6: Claim. After tokens are fully unbonded, they need to be claimed for tokens to be sent to user accounts. This is currently automated, so that claims are processed automatically. A transaction on the host zone shows the tokens being transfered to the user.

All of the unbonding logic occurs at the “epoch,” which is 2PM EST / 19:00 UTC. Note that you cannot claim your tokens until the next 19:00 UTC (so if your tokens are unbonded at 19:05 on one day, they will not be officially claimable until 19:00 the following day - the next epoch).

Note that…
→ Anyone can submit the claim that the tokens are ready to be claimed
→ The claim goes and checks that the record exists
→ Once tokens are claimed, the record is removed
→ All records can be claimed within 30 minutes of being claimable

How to check your unbonding status: https://stride-fleet.main.stridenet.co/api/Stride-Labs/stride/records/epoch_unbonding_record

How to see exact record: https://stride-fleet.main.stridenet.co/api/Stride-Labs/stride/records/user_redemption_record[…]4/31/stride12c34ueuzagjduz5cn4m683kwlt5kq8d2rlwfz4/50

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