Setting Up a Validator

To set up your own validator to support the Stride chain, use the tutorial below to guide you. For information on our inclusive validator sets, see the blog post linked below.

We have a wealth of resources available to any user who wants to set up a validator and connect to Stride. Explore the overview and links attached below for a procedural overview of running a node.

If you have questions, you can reach us via email, on Twitter, or at our Discord.
For troubleshooting, we recommend opening a #support-ticket with a Senior Lifeguard on our Discord.

Main requirement for running a node: 4 CPU 32 GB RAM machine (we have only tested this build on OSX and Linux machine - Windows support coming soon)



See the chain registry for connection info for Stride.

A quick summary:

chain-id = stride-1
stride hash = bba22626728961a5a2329031aa34c0140ed76b54
genesis file =



For a step-by-step tutorial, you can use either of these guides:


  • running a setup with a Sentry node and signed using Horcrux.
  • minimum 8 CPU 64 GB RAM machines