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For Infrastructure Operators

Frontends / Wallets

Stride Reward Share Program

Stride Reward Share Program

Stride operates a reward sharing program by which crypto frontends (wallets, block explorers, DeFi app frontends, etc) can apply to receive a portion of Stride’s liquid staking fee for every token that is liquid staked via their interface. The program is also available to individual token holders or funds wishing to liquid stake a large amount of their own tokens with Stride.

The program is operated by a reward-share committee with the authority to whitelist, filter, and distribute stToken rewards to reward-share participants. The purpose of a committee-filtered whitelist is to deter sybil activity and filter applicants for quality. The Rewards Share Program gives the Committee broad discretion and authority when deciding and managing the rewards share activities

How to Apply

To apply for rewards-sharing, a prospective participant must fill out the following application form:  

The Committee will aim to respond to all applications promptly (whether approved or denied). The Committee, for the benefit of Stride protocol, may also engage in outbound recruitment for the program, encouraging projects to apply and facilitating their application submission process.

Program Conditions

Prospective participants can be wallets, protocols, institutions, crypto services, neobanks, and custody services, or other types of participants with solutions that are capable of integrating Stride. A few non-exhaustive examples of activity which may qualify:

  • A wallet may choose to add a modal which allows users to liquid stake tokens directly from the wallet interface.

  • An AMM protocol could allow users to liquid stake from its front-end

  • An institution or protocol may choose to directly liquid stake a large number of its own tokens with Stride

  • A crypto custodian may offer liquid staking with Stride to its clients

The program is subject to several conditions, to which applicants must agree as part of their participation in the program (in addition to any additional terms that may be agreed upon between the Committee and the applicant):

  • Stride governance can vote to stop, pause, and resume the program at any time

  • Stride governance can, at any time, vote to change the operating conditions of the program

  • The program does not have a specific time frame. The program ends only upon a governance vote ending the program, 

  • Participants must maintain open lines of communication with the Committee and report any changes in their staking activities, relevant business operations, or other factors that could impact their eligibility for the program

  • Once accepted into the program, participants are eligible for rewards share indefinitely, unless they decide to leave the program, their participation in the program is terminated by the Committee, or the program is discontinued by a Stride governance vote.

  • Individual tokens liquid staked by Stride and traceable to a participant are eligible for reward sharing for up to 12 months from the time that the tokens were liquid staked (or for another duration as may be determined by the Committee in exceptional circumstances).

Further Reading

For the full details on the Reward-Share program, please refer to the Stride governance proposal authorizing implementation of the program here

Stride Labs

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Stride Labs

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