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What is Stride?


Stride’s approach to security

Stride’s top priority is security; it always has been and always will be. Security is particularly important in the interchain, where value flows between interconnected sovereign chains. 

We understand the importance of staying true to the core principles of liquid staking and 

providing a simple, secure platform for our users.

Stride has a minimalistic design at its core: a small attack surface and fewer moving parts means fewer edge cases to consider. 

Stride has completed 10 audits from multiple industry leaders in blockchain security.

Technical security

Stride is a secure minimalist blockchain, protected by IBC rate-limiting and a host of other features built to keep liquid stakers safe:

Onchain fail-safes that monitor and mitigate malicious behavior

If the protocol detects any anomalies with a host zone, it will prevent transfers of those tokens off of Stride, and disable liquid staking until protocol governance can verify nothing harmful occurred.

Per-transaction protection against infinite mint bugs.

Select tokens have unbonding cancellation failsafes, to halt malicious unbondings.

IBC rate limiting limits how much can be IBC transferred over a time period.

In the event of an attack (e.g. an infinite mint), this limits the total funds lost to a small percentage of staked assets.

Rigorous SDK testing processes

Stride employs deployment integration tests, unit tests across the codebase, and a custom firehose testing framework that simulates thousands of users.

For software upgrades, Stride performs full state verification and local simulation: (1) Test local chain with the software upgrade (2) Use “localstride” to run the software upgrade on mainnet state (3) Use custom infrastructure to compare state before and after an upgrade, and independently verify that only state that we expect is changing.

Novel interchain testing suite

Stride uses IBC and ICA mocking tests, and a four-step multichain testing pipeline before onboarding new zones: (1) Local <> Local (2) Local <> Testnet (3) Local <> Mainnet (4) Mainnet <> Mainnet.

Stride has deployed an extensive mainnet monitoring and real-time alerting stack to track protocol logic (delegations, reinvestment etc.).

Economic security

Stride enjoys over $1 billion dollars of economic security. 

As an interchain security consumer chain, the Stride blockchain enjoys the same level of economic security as Cosmos Hub over $1 billion dollars.

Governance on Stride

Staking STRD makes you eligible to vote in governance proposals. These can be anything from parameter changes to protocol upgrades and partnerships. Of course you don't need to vote in any of these. If you don't, your validator/governor will cast your vote instead.

You will find this feature in most wallets if you navigate to the STRD token, and then click on governance. You can find more detailed instructions on how to do this with Keplr and Leap under these links.

Casting a vote will also require you to sign a transaction.

The Stride governance forum is available at

Stride’s on-chain proposals are visible at

Stride Labs

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Stride Labs

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